1. Don't let your child push the shopping cart
Four or five-year-old children are curious and like to push shopping carts by themselves. They are reluctant to ask their parents to help, and sometimes push them quickly. However, the children are short and the shopping cart is relatively high. If there is a certain amount of goods in the shopping cart, they will Block your child's view.
I have seen a six-year-old child push a shopping cart and knock down an old man before. Therefore, while paying attention to our own safety, we must also prevent the child from hurting others.

2. Don't let your child squat on the metal shopping basket
Older children can't sit in the shopping cart seat, so parents put their children in the shopping cart. It seems that this is not dangerous, but it is really easy to roll over.
Once, I went shopping in the supermarket with two parents in the community. Two boys were sitting in a shopping cart. When they saw the salesperson cutting watermelons for everyone to taste for free, the two children ran to the side of the shopping cart at the same time, and ended up shopping. The car quickly rolled over and couldn't catch it.
3. Don't push the cart backwards
Pushing the shopping cart upside down can easily lead to the overturning of the shopping cart and the child falling from the seat of the shopping cart.
I would like to remind parents and friends that the correct way for children to make shopping carts is to sit on a foldable seat facing the parents, with their legs separated and pass through the space in front of the seat, and those with seat belts must fasten their safety. If there is no seat belt, parents should pay attention to the child at all times to prevent the child from suddenly standing up and falling from the seat.